Nothing New Under the Sun
Is there anything more polarizing than when a Hollywood studio announces they're remaking an old classic? What about a movie that was terrible to begin with? Nothing New Under the Sun is a podcast about those honorable and horrible remakes.
Nothing New Under the Sun
47 - A Christmas Story
Episode 47
Media covered:
In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash (1966)
The Phantom of the Open Hearth (1976)
The Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters (1982)
A Christmas Story (1983)
The Star-Crossed Romance of Josephine Cosnowski (1985)
Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss (1988)
It Runs in the Family: My Summer Story (1994)
A Christmas Story: The Musical (2009)
A Christmas Story 2 (2012)
A Christmas Story: Live! (2017)
A Christmas Story Christmas (2022)
Audio credit:
Christmas Jingle Christmas Theme 1 from Royalty Free Christmas Music on serpentsoundstudios.com
"intro 2" by nalaliongirl on FreeSound.org